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Foundational Workshops


Human-Centered Design

Human-Centered Design (HCD) is about more than innovation and design. It’s about seeing opportunities and challenges and responding effectively as individuals and teams. It’s about empathy, communication, and hope. This workshop teaches the foundations of HCD, emphasizing the transferable human skills that make employees better teammates, managers, and individual contributors.


Both/And Thinking

Wondering why you and your teams keep coming back to the same decisions? An either/or mindset is often at the root of this frustrating dynamic. This workshop breaks that cycle by helping individuals and teams see new opportunities and approach decision-making through a both/and world view that strengthens collaboration, empathy, and minimizes the decision-making that seems to be stuck on repeat.



In a world full of content on quick tips and tricks to appear confident, cultivating genuine confidence can sometimes feel like an elusive pursuit. True confidence isn't just about projecting a polished exterior. And we know that deeper confidence helps individuals and teams thrive in change. This workshop is all about embodying presence, rooted in authentic connection with ourselves, our values, and each other.

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